About Me!

Well, hello guys, let me first introduce myself.

I’m Akshay Phadke, 25 yrs old and currently pursuing a Game Development Course at Seamless Education Academy in Pune, India. It’s a ‘Diploma In Game Development’ (D.G.D), a one year course where I’m specializing in Game Programming with a certification from ‘EDEXCEL & Pearson’, UK. Basically I’ve completed my graduation in ‘Bachelor Of Computer Science’ from Pune University.

Love to play & fiddle with endless hours of CODE by working on new logic and mechanisms, whether it be Game Logic or any conventional software development, like to think about aspects like Game-Story, Level-Designing etc thus trying to bring out new and innovative ideas and of course love and play all other types of Games except Strategy Games.

So, that’s me, a total Programming Fanatic and a Gaming Freak!

Games were, they are and they will be an integral part of my life. Have been playing different kinds of Video Games since I was a kid. Sounds a very common reply, right.

But, then what actually urged me or drove me to join this industry? Let me tell you about that.

First, I was just a Game-Player playing different types and categories of games like the Hand-Helds, the Mitashi Consoles etc as any normal boy would be. This dates back when I was around 10-12 years old. Even after finishing my 10th grade, I had never thought about entering the Gaming Industry. I don’t know, what drove that in my mind, but when I had completed my 12th grade some things had changed and I was looking and perceiving things differently.

The development side of things had started arousing in me and I had started to analyze and look at games from different perspectives. I had started looking more closely at the Game Artwork, the overall Game Design & the Concept and moreover how the programming would have taken place. Many things were going out of my bounds but, I was giving it a try. Even till this point, I had not developed any small game or tried my hand at any game logic or mechanism. But  definitely, these things started brewing up in my mind.

Since I loved programming, I constantly used to do programming stuff in C & C++. Apart from college assignments, there were my endless experiments & later on having learnt VB.NET, C# & ASP.NET, that experimentation factor increased like anything.   At this point, I used to try out very simple logic and mechanisms. Some of my creations include a ‘Console Phone Book ‘ , ‘Brush Drawing Effect in C#’ and so on. After this, i.e. during my second year of graduation I started to work on very simple game logic and mechanisms like – ‘Simple Word Games In C#’. So when I was graduated, these experiments really improved & enhanced my ‘Logic Solving Skills’ and that was the part I loved to do most – think, think, & think!

And believe me, last year I came up with something really good I couldn’t believe what I had created – a ‘Character Randomization Code For Counter Strike v1.6 Purely Written & Compiled In Turbo C++‘. Now I need not explain what Counter Strike v1.6 is, but let me tell you about my code in short.

So, in Counter-Strike, when the map loads & the level starts, the characters appears on the screen (they are spawned). Now apart from the player character, rest of all the characters are randomly selected and decided and due care is taken about their repetition patterns. So, I had written this Random Character Spawning Code & though in console it was showing appropriate results. (Now, I’ll be posting my project file and will be writing about this in later posts.)

And it was at this point I decided that I should be really entering this Industry. So it was not because I had played a lot of games or I knew much about games or since I had written this code and had worked on small game logic that due to which I decided to enter this industry. NO. But I realized that problem solving & logic, the core thing that is required in games, interests me a lot and that I can fiddle & ponder with it by trying to create quality game content. I knew that I can try to create a difference with my programming skills.

Thus, the decision was taken and the most important part was about my parents being very supportive. So, last year, July 2012, my Game Development Course kick-started.

Now, having completed more than 9-10 months of the course, I’ve learned a lot of things about the industry.

Most importantly, I knew nothing about ‘Game Design’ and that thing has started to take a deep interest in me.

After six months of the course, I couldn’t believe that I had come up with my first individual 2D Platform Game – ‘Tales Of Mushroom Land’ consisting of 2 Levels & created in Game-Maker 8.1.

After that & a few months back I worked on an ‘Android Game’ which was a great learning experience as I worked and fiddled with devices for the first time.

Last month, I created my Endless Shooting Flash Game called – ‘Rune Shoot!’.

Currently I’m working on the most exciting thing – a 3D Game!. It’s a group project that we are developing it in ‘Unity 3D’.

So, through this blog, I’m going to share my experiences, my work and my assignments at the course for all the young Game Students, aspirants and of course for all of those who enjoy gaming and moreover ‘Game Development’.

I’m going to post articles on different topics like Game Design which will also act as a helping hand for many students.

If you feel that any of the data over here or in any of my articles/posts is inappropriate/incomplete, feel free to inform me about the same by leaving a comment.

If you think that you need information over a specific topic, feel free to comment/write or if you want me to post something about it, inform me & I’ll try my best in doing the same!.

Browse the ‘My Articles’ section for the articles that I’ve written. The ‘My Work’ section hosts some of my ‘Game Development Work’ that I’ve posted it over there. Go through the posts which appear on the right side in red color.

So, till then, ‘Happy Gaming’!.

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